We review our Al adsorption experiments on the tenfold-symmetry surface of the decagonal Al-Co-Ni quasicrystal and present computational simulations of adsorption on a structural model based on a fundamental Al-Co cluster with 20Å diameter, symmetry 102m, and 8Å periodicity. This cluster is the building unit of τ 2 -Al 13 Co 4 , from which, by a sequence of minor changes, the structures of the phases in the stability region of decagonal Al-Co-Ni can be derived. The model used for the decagonal Al 70 Co 15 Ni 15 is an idealized model with a two-layer periodicity (4Å) and no chemical or structural disorder. We find that the bulk and surface properties of this model are in good agreement with experiments. Our molecular-dynamics simulations of Al adsorption reproduce the experimental results and show that by varying the thermal relaxation rates of the adsorbed layer, a variety of different surface morphologies can be achieved. We also present our recent experiments on dissociative adsorption of oxygen on the decagonal surface.
PACS numbers:Clean and adsorbate-covered decagonal Al-Co-Ni