Abstract. In this article, the authors review what the Floer homology is and what it does in symplectic geometry both in the closed string and in the open string context. In the first case, the authors will explain how the chain level Floer theory leads to the C 0 symplectic invariants of Hamiltonian flows and to the study of topological Hamiltonian dynamics. In the second case, the authors explain how Floer's original construction of Lagrangian intersection Floer homology is obstructed in general as soon as one leaves the category of exact Lagrangian submanifolds. They will survey construction, obstruction and promotion of the Floer complex to the A∞ category of symplectic manifolds. Some applications of this general machinery to the study of the topology of Lagrangian embeddings in relation to symplectic topology and to mirror symmetry are also reviewed.
PrologueThe Darboux theorem in symplectic geometry manifests flexibility of the group of symplectic transformations. On the other hand, the following celebrated theorem of Eliashberg [El1] revealed subtle rigidity of symplectic transformations : The subgroup Symp(M, ω) consisting of symplectomorphisms is closed in Dif f (M ) with respect to the C 0 -topology. This demonstrates that the study of symplectic topology is subtle and interesting. Eliashberg's theorem relies on a version of non-squeezing theorem as proven by Gromov [Gr]. Gromov [Gr] uses the machinery of pseudo-holomorphic curves to prove his theorem. There is also a different proof by Ekeland and Hofer [EH] of the classical variational approach to Hamiltonian systems. The interplay between these two facets of symplectic geometry has been the main locomotive in the development of symplectic topology since Floer's pioneering work on his 'semi-infinite' dimensional homology theory, now called the Floer homology theory.As in classical mechanics, there are two most important boundary conditions in relation to Hamilton's equationẋ = X H (t, x) on a general symplectic manifold : one is the periodic boundary condition γ(0) = γ(1), and the other is the LagrangianThe latter replaces the two-point boundary condition in classical mechanics.Key words and phrases. Floer homology, Hamiltonian flows, Lagrangian submanifolds, A∞-structure, mirror symmetry.Oh thanks A. Weinstein and late A. Floer for putting everlasting marks on his mathematics. Both authors thank H. Ohta and K. Ono for a fruitful collaboration on the Lagrangian intersection Floer theory which some part of this survey is based on.