The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose detector designed to run at the highest luminosity provided by the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [1]. The CMS calorimeters were designed to cleanly detect the diverse signatures of new physics through the measurement of jets and missing transverse energy. The CMS experiment has a 4 T superconducting solenoidal magnet of length 13 m and inner diameter 5.9 m. The barrel and end-cap calorimeters are located inside this magnet.The hadron endcap calorimeter (HE) is a sampling calorimeter covering the pseudorapidity range 1.3 < |η| < 3. The active medium of the HE is scintillator tiles placed in trays that are inserted between the absorber plates of cartridge brass (70 % Cu and 30 % Zn). The trapezoidal-shaped scintillators are composed of 3.7 mm thick Kuraray SCSN81 or 9.0 mm thick Bicron BC408 for the layer closest to the interaction point, Layer 0. The scintillator tiles are painted white along the narrow edges and placed into a frame to form a tray. This tray, which reads a 10 • φ sector of the detector, is called a megatile. Two megatiles form a wedge of the calorimeter. The total number of trays for both HE calorimeters is 1368 in 36 wedges.The scintillation light is collected by 0.94 mm diameter wavelength shifting (WLS) fibers, inserted in machined groves near the periphery of the scintillator tiles. The ends of the WLS fibers are machined with a diamond fly cutter, and one end is aluminized by sputtering to increase the light collection. The other end is spliced to a 0.94 mm diameter clear fiber, which is glued in a custom made optical connector. The readout boxes (RBXs), which contain the photodetectors and front-end electronics, are located at the back of the calorimeter, near the edges. Multipixel hybrid photodiodes (HPDs) are used as photodetectors. Figure 1 shows a picture of the HE (left) and a sketch of the longitudinal and transverse segmentation (right).-1 -
JINST 12 P12034A radioactive source calibration system, using a 60 Co source, exists in HE. In this system, the radioactive source on the tip of a wire moves in stainless steel tubes embedded in the megatiles. The system allows driving of the radioactive source to every single tile in HE. The radioactive source is not stored on the detector during operations. Instead, the radioactive source calibration is performed whenever necessary and possible. Identical calibration system exists for the HE test wedge, which will be described in detail below.Further information about HE can be found in reference [2].