“…nova, and two new species of Spiroplatanoxylon were described: Süss, 2007, which has bigger vessels, mostly solitary and less frequent per square mm, very abundant tyloses, broad multiseriate rays and crystals in the axial parenchyma present as chambered cells or, rarely, as idioblasts. -S. mueller-stollii Süss, 2007, quite similar, with mostly solitary vessels, less frequent per square mm, very abundant tyloses, generally thinner rays, which can even be aggregated and also broad multiseriate rays and crystals in the axial parenchyma present as chambered cells or, rarely, as idioblasts; the same species was identified by Továrková et al (2011) from Brno area, Czech Rep. Also, several species of Icacinoxylon, Platanoxylon and Plataninium are reidentified and placed into the genus Spiroplatanoxylon. It is very of note that even Page (1968) also emended once the genus Plataninium, to comprise broader-rayed structures, including members of the Icacinaceae (equivalents of Citronella, Ottoschultzia).…”