“…Altogether, there is a pressing need to increase the sustainability of agricultural production and reduce the losses of N fertilizer into the environment (Tilman et al, 2011;Norse and Ju, 2015;Zhang et al, 2015). Soil N availability varies in time and space (van Es et al, 2007b) and is affected (among others) by soil type and texture (St. Luce et al, 2011), soil mineralization and N availability from previous cropping seasons (Gentry et al, 2001(Gentry et al, , 2013Ferguson et al, 2002), organic amendments such as manure applications (Eghball et al, 2004;Woli et al, 2015), and weather effects that drive N losses and availability (Kahabka et al, 2004;Kay et al, 2006;Xie et al, 2013;Deen et al, 2015). To address this variability and help growers fertilize at the Economically Optimum N Rate (EONR), several N recommendation methods have been developed over the years.…”