Alopecurus aequalis Sobol.
is a
predominant grass weed in Chinese winter wheat fields, posing a substantial
threat to crop production owing to its escalating herbicide resistance.
This study documented the initial instance of an A.
aequalis population (AHFT-3) manifesting resistance
to multiple herbicides targeting four distinct sites: acetyl-CoA carboxylase
(ACCase), acetolactate synthase, photosystem II, and 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase. AHFT-3 carried an Asp-to-Gly
mutation at codon 2078 of ACCase, with no mutations
in the remaining three herbicide target genes, and exhibited no overexpression
of any target gene. Compared with the susceptible population AHFY-3,
AHFT-3 metabolized mesosulfuron-methyl, isoproturon, and bixlozone
faster. The inhibition and comparison of herbicide-detoxifying enzyme
activities indicated the participation of cytochrome P450s in the
resistance to all four herbicides, with glutathione S-transferases
specifically linked to mesosulfuron-methyl. Three CYP72As and a Tau
class glutathione S-transferase, markedly upregulated in resistant
plants, potentially played pivotal roles in the multiple-herbicide-resistance