“…Moreover, these long‐lived mesoscale eddies can have a strong impact on biological productivity and on the upper‐ocean ecology and biogeochemical cycles (Cotroneo et al., 2016; d’Ovidio et al., 2010; Lévy et al., 2018; Mcgillicuddy et al., 1998) especially in an oligotrophic area. Hence, the movement of pelagic species can be strongly influenced by the dynamics of mesoscale eddies, their surrounding filaments (Abrahms et al., 2018; Baudena et al., 2019; Cotté et al., 2011), and some fisheries track Lagrangian coherent structures associated with eddies (Arur et al., 2020; Budyansky et al., 2017; Prants et al., 2012; Watson et al., 2018). Therefore, the dynamics of mesoscale eddies have a significant impact on the surface circulation and oceanic biogeochemistry at both local and regional scales.…”