Resumoas rochas basálticas possuem composição rica em elementos químicos considerados nutrientes às plantas, o que a torna apta para o uso agrícola, melhorando a fertilidade dos solos. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar o efeito de doses de basalto moído nos teores de alguns nutrientes no solo. Foi utilizado um Latossolo amarelo ácido e de baixa CTC, formação geológica Boa Vista, estado de Roraima. a rocha basáltica da formação apoteri foi coletada na pedreira da serra de Nova Olinda, Boa Vista. Os tratamentos consistiram da incorporação e incubação de oito doses do pó da rocha (0; 0,85; 1,70; 3,35; 5,03; 10,05; 20
Levels of finely ground basalt rock in the chemical properties of a yellow latosol of the savannah of Roraima abstRaCtBasaltic rocks have chemical and mineralogical composition that allows its agricultural application due to its capability of improving soil fertility. The aim in this work was to evaluate the effect of levels of finely crushed basalt rock in soil chemical conditioning. a dystrophic Yellow Latosol from pre-weathered Boa Vista Formation was used. The rock of the apoteri formation was collected in the mine of Nova Olinda near Boa Vista. The treatments consisted of the incorporation and incubation of eight rock powder levels (0; 0.85; 1.70; 3.35; 5.03; 10.05; 20.40 and 40.80 g kg -1 ). The experimental design was entirely randomly with eight treatments and three replicates. after the incorporation of the rushed rock powder for a period 180 days of soil incubation, the soil was analyzed and determined the values of Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , ph in h 2 O, ph in KCl, al 3+ , h+ al, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn. The level of 20.40 g kg -1 of basalt provided the maxim reduction of the active acidity, varying from 4.8 to 5.5. Concentrations of exchangeable Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ increased, but their increments in the soil solution was small. Basalt levels presented high efficiency for neutralization of the potential acidity. amendments with crushed rock increased extractable amounts of Zn, Fe and Cu in soil, after incubation.