The large observed mixing angle in atmospheric neutrinos, coupled with Grand Unification, motivates the search for a large mixing between right-handed strange and bottom squarks. Such mixing does not appear in the standard CKM phenomenology, but may induce significant b → s transitions through gluino diagrams. Working in the mass eigenbasis, we show quantitatively that an O(1) effect on CP violation in B 0 d → φK S is possible due to a large mixing betweeñ s R andb R , while still satisfying constraints from b → sγ. We also include the effect ofb L -b R mixing proportional to m b µ tan β. In the case where m b µ tan β ≪ M 2 SU SY there may be a large effect in B s mixing correlated with a large effect in B 0 d → φK S , typically yielding an unambiguous signal of new physics at Tevatron Run II.