“…It presents a molar mass of 3 × 10 6 gmol −1 and is composed of L-arabinose (24.6–42.0%), d -galactose (21.0–40.1%), d -xylose (22.0–22.2%), l -rhamnose (7.0–13.1%) and α- d -(1→4) galacturonic acid (8.0–12.7%), as well as insoluble and soluble fiber [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]. This water-soluble hetero-polysaccharide is considered a functional biopolymer due to its beneficial health properties, such as anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, cytoprotective and cholesterol-lowering activities, for which it is widely applied in the pharmaceutical industry [14,15,16,17,18]. In addition, CM is utilized in the nano- and micro-encapsulation of bioactive compounds and as a natural super-plasticizer in the food industry [13,19,20,21].…”