“…Then there exists a constant C := C(Λ, R, j, w, c) such that if M ⊇ R is an o-lattice of rank m ≤ n − 3 and : (i) for each place v of F there is a representation τ v : M v → Λ v with τ v | Rv = σ v with imprimitivity bounded by c and with isotropic orthogonal complement in Λ at the place w, Proof. This is proven in the same way as Theorem IV in [1, p. 95] and Theorem 2.1 in [2], namely by constructing a representation of M ∩(F R) ⊥ into Λ ∩ (F R) ⊥ satisfying suitable congruence conditions at the primes dividing the discriminant of one of Λ, R and glueing it to the given σ, the congruence conditions being chosen so that ⊥ σ actually maps M into Λ.…”