We revise the unireps. of U (2, 2) describing conformal particles with continuous mass spectrum from a many-body perspective, which shows massive conformal particles as compounds of two correlated massless particles. The statistics of the compound (boson/fermion) depends on the helicity h of the massless components (integer/half-integer). Coherent states (CS) of particle-hole pairs ("excitons") are also explicitly constructed as the exponential action of exciton (non-canonical) creation operators on the ground state of unpaired particles. These CS are labeled by points Z (2 × 2 complex matrices) on the Cartan-Bergman domain D 4 = U (2, 2)/U (2) 2 , and constitute a generalized (matrix) version of Perelomov U (1, 1) coherent states labeled by points z on the unit disk D 1 = U (1, 1)/U (1) 2 . Firstly we follow a geometric approach to the construction of CS, orthonormal basis, U (2, 2) generators and their matrix elements and symbols in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space H λ (D 4 ) of analytic square-integrable holomorphic functions on D 4 , which carries a unitary irreducible representation of U (2, 2) with index λ ∈ N (the conformal or scale dimension). Then we introduce a many-body representation of the previous construction through an oscillator realization of the U (2, 2) Lie algebra generators in terms of eight boson operators with constraints. This particle picture allows us for a physical interpretation of our abstract mathematical construction in the many-body jargon. In particular, the index λ is related to the number 2(λ − 2) of unpaired quanta and to the helicity h = (λ − 2)/2 of each massless particle forming the massive compound.