Modular construction of an autonomous and programmable multi-functional heterogeneous biochemical circuit that can identify,t ransform, translate,a nd amplify biological signals into physicochemical signals based on logic design principles can be apowerful means for the development of av ariety of biotechnologies.T oe xplore the conceptual validity,w ed esign aC RISPR-array-mediated primer-exchange-reaction-based biochemical circuit cascade,w hich probes as pecific biomolecular input, transform the input into as tructurally accessible form for circuit wiring,t ranslate the input information into an arbitrary sequence,a nd finally amplify the prescribed sequence through autonomous formation of as ignaling concatemer.T his upstream biochemical circuit is further wired with ad ownstream electrochemical interface,d elivering an integrated bioanalytical platform. We program this platform to directly analyzethe genome of SARS-CoV-2 in human cell lysate,d emonstrating the capability and the utility of this unique integrated system.