We consider the quark-antiquark Green's function in the Schwinger Model with instanton contributions taken into account. Thanks to the fact that this function may analytically be found, we draw out singular terms, which arise due to the formation of the bound state in the theorythe massive Schwinger boson. The principal term has a pole character. The residue in this pole contains contributions from various instanton sectors: 0, ±1, ±2. It is shown, that the nonzero ones change the factorizability property. The formula for the residue is compared to the Bethe-Salpeter wave function found as a field amplitude. Next, it is demonstrated, that apart from polar part, there appears in the Green's function also the weak branch point singularity of the logarithmic and dilogarithmic nature. These results are not in variance with the universally adopted S-matrix factorization.