“…where c D α and I β 1 and I β 2 are the Caputo fractional derivative and fractional integration, respectively, of order 0 < α, β 1 , β 2 < 1, the state x(·) is defined on the Banach space X with the norm ‖·‖, u(·) is the control function in Banach space L 2 (J, V) of admissible control functions, and V is Banach space, where B: V ⟶ X is a linear bounded operator. T(t) { } t≥0 is a strongly continuous semigroup of operators on X generated by A. PC(J, X) � x: [0, b] { ⟶ X, x(t) is continuous at t ≠ t k and left continuous at t � t k and x(t + k )}, the impulsive functions I i : D ⟶ X, i � 1, 2, .…”