“…For example, Fan and Shao (2010) investigated the positive almost periodic solutions for shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with time-varying and continuously distributed delays, Li and Wang (2012) analyzed the existence and exponential stability of the almost periodic solutions of shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks on time scales, Xia et al (2007) established the sufficient conditions for the existence and exponential stability of almost periodic solution for shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with impulses, Li and Shu (2011) addressed the existence and exponential stability of antiperiodic solutions to impulsive shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with distributed delays on time scales. For more related work on shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks, one can see (Lakshmikantham et al, 1989;Bouzerdoum and Pinter, 1993;Samoilenko and Perestyuk, 1995;Guan and Chen, 1999;Akhmet, 2003;Gopalsamy, 2004;Xu and Yang, 2005;Liu and Huang, 2007;Liu and You, 2007;Xia et al, 2007;Yang and Cao, 2007;Zhang and Li, 2007;Cai et al, 2008;Chen and Zhao, 2008;Li and Wang, 2008;Ou, 2008;Shao, 2008;Xiao and Meng, 2009;Zhou, 2009;Zhang and Gui, 2009;Huang et al, 2010;Shi and Dong, 2010;Peng and Wang, 2013;Peng and Wang, 2013;Zhang, 2013;Wang et al, 2014;Li et al, 0000). studied the existence and stability of almost periodic solutions for the following SICNNs with neutral type delays: where i ¼ 1, 2, .…”