To examine whether apparent advantages following training in meditation over exercise can be attributed to specific symptoms, functional impairments, or quality of life indicators assessed by the Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey (WURSS-24).
Results from the randomized controlled trial “Meditation or Exercise for Preventing Acute Respiratory Illness” (MEPARI) showed mean global severity and total days of illness were worse in Control (358, 8.9) compared to Exercise (248, 5.1) or Meditation (144, 5.0). Global severity of illness was estimated using area-under-the-curve from daily self-reported severity scores on the WURSS-24. For the current project, we estimated within-group WURSS item-level severity and between-group effect sizes (Cohen's “d” statistic) relative to control. The item-level effect sizes were grouped into 1) symptoms and 2) function and quality of life domains.
Among the 3 groups, mediators showed the lowest severity estimates for 21 of 22 WURSS items. Item-level Cohen's “d” indicated most benefit was evident in WURSS items representing function and quality of life. Compared to exercise, meditation fostered larger reductions in illness severity, although due mostly to improved function and the quality of life domain (d = − 0.33, p<0.001) compared to symptom domain (d = − 0.22, p<0.001).
The apparent advantage of training in meditation over exercise for reducing cold and flu illness is explained more by improved function and quality of life than by a reduction in symptom severity.