Abstract-Testing exception scenarios is a challenging task in the context of test data generation based on symbolic execution. In such a context, test data is generated based on constraints explicitly declared in the code. However, constraints required to activate specific exceptions may not be directly declared in the code. In such a case, implicit constraints have to be inferred from exception handling mechanisms. Given that exceptions can be raised in several situations, finding constraints to generate test data to exercise all possible faulty scenarios can significantly increase the number of paths and constraints, which can cause or aggravate path explosion issues. This paper reports on an investigation that we carried out to gauge the cost (i.e., number of path constraints) of four data generation approaches aimed at covering exception dependent paths.Keywords -Exception handling; symbolic execution; test data generation; software analysisAutomatic test data generation is a notorious complex problem. Symbolic execution and constraint solving have been used as an approach to generate test data that achieve high control-flow coverage [5,9]. During symbolic execution, program elements are represented as functions of symbolic input values [5,9]. Each path is represented by a path constraint, which is a sequence of constraints that should be satisfied so that the underlying path can be traversed. Constraint solvers are thus used to generate concrete input values (i.e., test data) that satisfy each set of constraints.Often, the constraints required to traverse a path are explicitly declared in the code by means of control-flow statements, such as if and while. However, some constraints are not explicitly declared in the code because they do not stem from conventional control-flow statements. Some of these constraints implicitly derive from exception handling mechanisms such as Java's try-catch-finally blocks. For instance, a block that declares a NullPointerException will be executed only when such an exception is thrown. However, in general, there are no constraint indicating in which condition such an exception will be thrown.We classify paths that depend on an exception being thrown as exception-dependent paths (EDPs) [7], as oppose to exception-free paths (EFPs) [14]. According to an analysis performed over a sample of 100 open source projects called SF100 [8] 1 , we discovered that almost one third of the methods have at least one EDP [7]. Although the number of EDPs of a program is high, and exception handling is an important topic in software development [4], the influence of exception mechanisms to unit test data generation using symbolic execution has not been widely explored [1,3,5].Taking into account the implicit constraints that stem from exception handling mechanisms can significantly increase the number of path constraints. This has the potential to exacerbate a well-known issue faced by symbolic execution approaches: path explosion [1,5,6], which is usually caused by complex loop structures.The c...