DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73589-2_8
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Exception Handling: A Field Study in Java and .NET

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Cited by 74 publications
(115 citation statements)
References 7 publications
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“…This kind of solution makes it difficult to track the specific exception type when an exception is caught, since all exceptions are caught as Exception, and one has to parse their message to identify the type. Such a solution was also found in the work of Cabral and Marques (2007), and therefore it is difficult to provide a distinct solution for each exception. Hence, this solution may fit into the second level of assimilation in our SOLO-based taxonomy.…”
Section: S4: Java Exceptionmentioning
confidence: 93%
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“…This kind of solution makes it difficult to track the specific exception type when an exception is caught, since all exceptions are caught as Exception, and one has to parse their message to identify the type. Such a solution was also found in the work of Cabral and Marques (2007), and therefore it is difficult to provide a distinct solution for each exception. Hence, this solution may fit into the second level of assimilation in our SOLO-based taxonomy.…”
Section: S4: Java Exceptionmentioning
confidence: 93%
“…Exception handling may result in either the termination of the program or in a corrective action being performed. In order to correct a problem using the try-catch block, it should be located inside a loop which will increase the complexity of the code (Cabral & Marques, 2007). Robillard and Murphy (2000) stated that a lack of knowledge regarding the design and implementation of exceptions can lead to complex and spaghetti-like exception handling codes.…”
Section: Difficulties In Applying Exception Handlingmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…According to an analysis performed over a sample of 100 open source projects called SF100 [8] 1 , we discovered that almost one third of the methods have at least one EDP [7]. Although the number of EDPs of a program is high, and exception handling is an important topic in software development [4], the influence of exception mechanisms to unit test data generation using symbolic execution has not been widely explored [1,3,5].Taking into account the implicit constraints that stem from exception handling mechanisms can significantly increase the number of path constraints. This has the potential to exacerbate a well-known issue faced by symbolic execution approaches: path explosion [1,5,6], which is usually caused by complex loop structures.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Cabral and Marques (CABRAL and MARQUES, 2007) performed a study in the context of 16 di↵erent programs implemented in Java and of 16 di↵erent programs implemented in the .NET platform. These programs were divided into four groups: "Servers", "Libraries", "Stand-alone applications" and "Server-apps".…”
Section: Exception Handling Implementationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For the Java programs, the authors also observed in the four groups of programs that 95% of the handlers were in these categories. Table 2.1 summarizes the distribution of handlers in these categories, as reported by Cabral and Marques (CABRAL and MARQUES, 2007). Other handlers analyzed in this study were categorized as: "Assert", "Close", "Continue", "Rollback" and "Others".…”
Section: Exception Handling Implementationmentioning
confidence: 99%