AbstracLIn a singlecnded Q-machine the effect of a radial electric field on arrentdriven low frequency instabilities is investigated experimentally. The field b produced by biasing a cylindrical wall surrounding the plasma column. W e n the wall potential is positive, the low frequency potential relaxation instability b effectively suppressed, and the cunent is not Limited by anomalous resistivity. In that regime a new type of instability is found with a higher hequency that increases pmponionally lo the wall potential.When the wall potential is negative, the potential relaxation instability b enhanced, and a strong modulation and periodic limitation of the current OCCUTS. The rerults show that the potential relaxation instabiliry is well controlled by the wall potential, an effect which might te relevant for achieving a stable high current in a plasma. Our invstigalions also shed more light on the mechanism of the onedimensionai potential relaxation instability.