“…Second, although swimming capabilities of yolk larvae are weak and directionally limited (Yeager & Wallus, 1990), swimming interrupted by occasional rest periods (Jennings & Zigler, 2009) should minimize interactions with sessile P. hydriforme . Third, while many sturgeon larvae are photo‐negative (Gisbert et al., 1999; Kynard et al., 2002; Loew & Sillman, 1998; Parsley et al., 2002; Zhuang et al., 2003), Paddlefish larvae are photo‐positive (Schooley, Geik, Sontheimer, & Scarnecchia, 2020) and yolk larvae show no preference for benthic habitat (Yeager & Wallus, 1990). All of these life‐history traits should greatly hinder infection of Paddlefish by attachment of gametophores to early larval stages as has been observed for Sterlet (Raikova, 2002).…”