DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1099-1212(199709/10)7:5<497::aid-oa394>3.0.co;2-h
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Evidence for Spanish influence on activity induced musculoskeletal stress markers at Pecos Pueblo

Abstract: In the present study, hypotheses regarding the effect of Spanish contact on some habitual activities among the indigenous population of Pecos Pueblo, New Mexico, are tested using analyses of upper body musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM). Historical records demonstrate that the Spanish desired maize, animal hides, woven cotton mantas, and labour from the Puebloan Indians of this area. Therefore, it is hypothesized that a comparison of MSM data from pre‐ and post‐Spanish contact groups at Pecos would display e… Show more

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Cited by 62 publications
(14 citation statements)
References 14 publications
(8 reference statements)
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“…Labor demands, however, appear to have affected the habitual activity patterns of middle-aged women to a lesser degree than men. In general, Gran Quivira women led a physically demanding life, both in the pre-colonial (MSM average = 2.05) and colonial (MSM average = 2.02) periods, especially when compared to women at the missionized pueblo of Pecos (pre-colonial = 0.63, colonial = 0.69) (Munson, 1996;Munson Chapman, 1997;Hawkey, 2003). Other data on stress-induced lesions at muscle attachment sites in Gran Quiviran women, also suggest that during the colonial period, women were involved in strenuous, repetitive activities that that may have led to muscle fatigue and resulted in repetitive stress injuries to the bone (see Hawkey, 1988).…”
Section: Gender and Labor Under Spanish Colonizationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Labor demands, however, appear to have affected the habitual activity patterns of middle-aged women to a lesser degree than men. In general, Gran Quivira women led a physically demanding life, both in the pre-colonial (MSM average = 2.05) and colonial (MSM average = 2.02) periods, especially when compared to women at the missionized pueblo of Pecos (pre-colonial = 0.63, colonial = 0.69) (Munson, 1996;Munson Chapman, 1997;Hawkey, 2003). Other data on stress-induced lesions at muscle attachment sites in Gran Quiviran women, also suggest that during the colonial period, women were involved in strenuous, repetitive activities that that may have led to muscle fatigue and resulted in repetitive stress injuries to the bone (see Hawkey, 1988).…”
Section: Gender and Labor Under Spanish Colonizationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Ya que las exostosis osificantes se relacionan con trauma, no fueron consideradas. Este método es simple, ha sido utilizado en muchos estudios (Eshed et al 2004;Lovell y Dublenko 1999;Molnar 2006Molnar , 2008Molnar et al 2011;Munson Chapman 1997;Niinimäki 2011;Peterson 1998;Steen y Lane 1998;Weiss 2003bWeiss , 2004 La información sobre EAD fue totalizada por área anatómica: hombro, codo, muñeca, mano, articulación coxofemoral, rodilla, tobillo, pie (Larsen et al 1995, según la Tabla 2 de Klaus et al 2009), la articulación temporomandibular (Jurmain 1990) y las costillas. Si alguna de las manifestaciones consideradas (exceptuando la porosidad aislada) estaba presente en la articulación observada, la EAD fue registrada como positiva para toda la articulación (Rojas-Sepúlveda et al 2008), y se asignó el código más alto.…”
Section: Materiales Y Métodosunclassified
“…Sin embargo, el término "cambio entesial" (entheseal change) ha sido propuesto recientemente por ser más genérico y más neutral para designar a las alteraciones de las entesis observadas en material óseo (Jurmain y Villotte 2010), teniendo en cuenta que dichos cambios pueden ser originados por varias causas y no solamente por la actividad física. Si bien la actividad es solo uno de esos factores, el estudio de estos marcadores ha sido interesante porque ofrece la oportunidad de acercase al uso de un músculo, ya que la plasticidad del hueso responde al estrés muscular por medio de un cambio morfológico (Hawkey 1998;Hawkey y Merbs 1995;Jurmain y Villotte 2010;Kennedy 1998;Mariotti et al 2004;2007;Molnar 2006;Munson Chapman 1997;Oumaoui et al 2004;Peterson 1998;Robb 1998;Santos et al 2010;Steen y Lane 1998;Stirland 1998;Villotte 2008;Weiss 2003a;2004;Wilczak 1998). Si un sitio de inserción está bajo estrés con frecuencia, el número de capilares se aumenta en el periostio, lo cual estimula la remodelación de osteones, produciendo una hipertrofia ósea y una inserción muscular rugosa (Hawkey y Merbs 1995;Munson Chapman 1997).…”
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“…Although this methodology has been criticized [57,58], it makes it possible to see where an osseous change reveals muscular overuse. This methodology has been widely applied [59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66], with very low inter-observer error [53].…”
Section: Musculoskeletal Stress Markers (Msm)mentioning
confidence: 99%