“…Lower WMA production temperatures and the water injection used with some WMA technologies have raised concerns on possible rutting and moisture susceptibility of WMA pavements. Various field projects were constructed with the purpose of comparing WMA performance to conventional HMA in terms of mix design practices, engineering properties (fatigue cracking, thermal cracking, rutting, or moisture susceptibility), and constructability (Copeland et al 2010;Choubane et al, 2013;Buss et al, 2014;Rahman et al, 2016;Raghavendra et al, 2016, andWen et al, 2016). Due to the fact that WMA projects in U.S. are in the early stages of their design lives and the existing pavement data collection technologies have limitations in (1) data accuracy and (2) data collection speed which poses interruption of traffic flow, long-term pavement performance monitoring for field WMA mixture is limited thus far.…”