“…Westerdykella spp. have mostly been isolated from soil (Routien 1956, Chattopadhyay & Das Gupta 1957, Cain 1961, Mathur & Thirumalachar 1962, Rai & Tewari 1962, von Arx & Storm 1967, Montemartini Corte 1968, Ahmad & Sultana 1973, Lee & Baker 1973, Mukerji & Saxena 1975, Ito & Nagakiri 1995, also from sediments of fresh (Milko 1965, Mishra 1995 or saline (ElSharouny et al 2009) water, sometimes from vegetable matter (Clum 1955, Cain 1961, Ebead et al 2012. As far as we know, only W. cylindrica and W. cylindrispora have been recorded, rarely and exclusively, from dung (Lodha 1971, Malloch & Cain 1972, Bell 2005.…”