Articles you may be interested inConstrained density functional theory based configuration interaction improves the prediction of reaction barrier heights J. Chem. Phys. 130, 034109 (2009); 10.1063/1.3059784 Quantifying the effects of the self-interaction error in density functional theory: When do the delocalized states appear? II. Iron-oxo complexes and closed-shell substrate molecules J. Chem. Phys. 129, 154301 (2008); 10.1063/1.2991180Hartree-Fock orbitals significantly improve the reaction barrier heights predicted by semilocal density functionalsWe examined 11 difficult reactions with self-interaction corrected density ͑SIC͒ functional theory. The data set includes dissociation of radicals into symmetric fragments ͑H 2 ϩ →HϩH ϩ , He 2 ϩ →He ϩHe ϩ ͒, radical hydrogen abstraction (HϩH 2 →H 2 ϩH, HϩHCl→H 2 ϩCl, HϩN 2 H 2 →N 2 H ϩH 2 , CH 3 ϩH 2 →CH 4 ϩH͒, proton transfer ͓HC(OH)CHC(O)H→HC(O)CHC(OH)H͔, S N 2 halogen exchange (X Ϫ ϩCH 3 X→CH 3 XϩX Ϫ , XϭF,Cl,Br͒, and closed-shell unimolecular dissociation of tetrasine (C 2 N 4 H 2 →N 2 ϩ2HCN). Calculated self-interaction energies cancel, almost identically, for the reaction energies (⌬E R ), so that SIC functionals do not lead to a systematic improvement in ⌬E R . Self-interaction correction increases for reaction transition structures, leading to higher calculated activation barriers (⌬E ). The average absolute deviation in ⌬E , from ab initio and experimental barriers, is reduced from 14 kcal/mol for Vosko-Wilk-Nusair ͑VWN͒ or 12 kcal/mol for revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof ͑revPBE͒ functionals to 5.4 ͑SIC-VWN͒ or 3.4 ͑SIC-revPBE͒ kcal/mol. Reorganization of the electron density, due to removal of self-interaction, appears to be important. When SIC is included as a perturbation, using self-consistent densities of the parent functional, the average absolute deviations for the barriers increase to 7.5 (VWNϩSIC) or 5.3 (revPBEϩSIC) kcal/mol. Gradient-corrected functionals ͑revPBE, BP86͒ reduce the magnitude of the total self-interaction correction, by improving the description of the core orbitals. For the valence orbitals, both the magnitudes of the self-interaction corrections, and their change between reagents and transition structures, are similar for VWN local density approximation, and generalized gradient approximation functionals. Reducing the magnitude of the self-interaction energy for valence electrons thus appears to be a promising direction for the development of chemically accurate exchange-correlation functionals.