The production and maintenance of genetic and phenotypic diversity under temporally fluctuating selection and the signatures of environmental changes in the patterns of this variation have been important areas of focus in population genetics. On one hand, periods of constant selection pull the genetic makeup of populations toward local fitness optima. On the other, to cope with changes in the selection regime, populations may evolve mechanisms that create a diversity of genotypes. By tuning the rates at which variability is produced-such as the rates of recombination, mutation, or migration-populations may increase their long-term adaptability. Here we use theoretical models to gain insight into how the rates of these three evolutionary forces are shaped by fluctuating selection. We compare and contrast the evolution of recombination, mutation, and migration under similar patterns of environmental change and show that these three sources of phenotypic variation are surprisingly similar in their response to changing selection. We show that the shape, size, variance, and asymmetry of environmental fluctuation have different but predictable effects on evolutionary dynamics.fluctuating selection | modifier genes | recombination rate | migration rate | mutation rate U nder constant selection, a large haploid population is expected to evolve toward a local fitness maximum. However, in natural populations selection may not be constant over time due, for example, to ecological changes, spatial variability, changes in environment, or even shifts in the genetic background (1). Under temporal and spatial heterogeneity in the direction and strength of selection, a population may evolve mechanisms that create and maintain phenotypic diversity, thus increasing the long-term adaptability of the population (2-7). These mechanisms may include changes in the rates at which genetic variability is produced, such as the rates of recombination, mutation, and migration (8).Understanding how population genetic dynamics are shaped by changing selection has constituted an important component of research in mathematical evolutionary theory over the past five decades. These studies have addressed such issues as the relationship between fluctuations in selection and the dynamics of evolution and how these fluctuations are reflected in the pattern of genotypic frequency variation (9-12).One important contributor to the pattern of genetic diversity is recombination, which can affect variation by bringing together or breaking apart combinations of alleles. Recombination may accelerate adaptation by expediting the removal of combinations of deleterious alleles from the population, but also slow it down by breaking apart favorable interactions among genes (13-18). The prevalence of recombination in nature has stimulated theoretical efforts to explore the evolution of the recombination rate under a wide variety of modeling assumptions (14-20). Most explanations of the advantage of sex and/or recombination involve either allowing assembly of favor...