“…ChinaFLUX community modified several process-based models and remote sensing models, such as CEVSA (Cao et al, 2005;Gu et al, 2010), In-TEC , EALCO (Mi et al, 2007;Mi et al, 2009), and BEPS Ju et al, 2010), and VPM Wu et al, 2008). Meanwhile, many new models have been developed including AVIM2 (Ji et al, 2008;, CEVSA2 Gu et al, 2015), the evapo-transpiration model (Hu et al, 2013;Ren et al, 2005), a MODIS-based Photosynthetic Capacity Model , a remote sensing model for respiration ReRSM , and the statistical model GSM (Zheng et al, 2009;Zhu et al, 2014a). In addition, a Model-Data Fusion System (MDFS) has been developed based on a series of algorithms including the Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method, the Monte Carlo Simulated Annealing method, and the sobol' method Ren et al, 2012) to quantify and minimize the model uncertainty.…”