“…T is a radioactive isotope in the hydrogen group, and the almost all of the T in light water (H 2 O) exists as an isotopic water form: HTO. However, the extraction of trace amounts of T from large quantities of water is fundamentally difficult with respect to technology and economy when using any conventional method, such as distillation (1)(2)(3) and the catalytic exchange between H and T using hydrogen gas (H 2 ) with precious metals (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8), due to the similarities between in the physicochemical features of the isotopes in water or gas, except for small differences in weight and radioactivity. Manganese oxides crystallize to form various phases (9), and the spinel crystal structure in the Fd3m space group adopts the chemical form of LiMn 2 O 4 (10,11).…”