Adhesion is caused
by molecular interactions that only take place
if the surfaces are in nanoscale contact (NSC); i.e., the distance
between the surfaces is in the range of 0.1–0.4 nm. However,
there are several difficulties measuring the NSC between surfaces,
mainly because regions that appear to be in full contact at low magnification
may show no NSC when observed at higher magnifications. Thus, the
measurement area of NSC is very small with imaging techniques, and
an experimental technique to evaluate NSC for large contact areas
has not been available thus far. Here, we are proposing Förster
resonance energy transfer (FRET) spectroscopy/microscopy for this
purpose. We demonstrate that NSC in a distance range of 1–10
nm can be evaluated. Our experiments reveal that, for thin films pressed
under different loads, NSC increases with the applied pressure, resulting
in a higher FRET signal and a corresponding increase in adhesion force/energy
when separating the films. Furthermore, we show that local variations
in molecular contact can be visualized with FRET microscopy. Thus,
we are introducing a spectroscopic technique for quantification (FRET
spectroscopy) and imaging (FRET microscopy) of NSC between surfaces,
demonstrated here for the application of surface adhesion. This could
be of interest for all fields where adhesion or nanoscale surface
contact are playing a role, for example, soft matter, biological materials,
and polymers, but also engineering applications, like tribology, adhesives,
and sealants.