“…This causes in increasing operational costs and reduces a membrane's lifetime [33][34][35][36]. Based on literature review, it can be analyzed that flux decline during MF of biological suspensions is affected by a great number of factors, such as: (i) process parameters (transmembrane pressure, feed flow rate, and temperature) [1,2,4,6,12,16,[18][19][20][21][22][23]25,37,38], (ii) membrane properties (pore size and its distribution, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity character) [1,3,6,14,21,25,37,39], (iii) feed solution properties (nature, bacterial cell mass, particle size, and pH) [11,12,21,22,38], and (iv) interaction between foulants and membranes [3,22]. It should be mentioned that these interactions are often unknown or not understood at the fundamental level [40].…”