“…have been reported to roost in the following situations: in small colonies in old disused buildings or in dense tree tops on St. Croix (Beatty, 1944); in large numbers in suitably sized caves, frequently in well-lighted areas near the entrance, even in extensive caves on Puerto Rico (Anthony, 1918(Anthony, , 1925; in caves and in an underground unused sugar house on St. Croix, always in complete darkness (Koopman, 1975); in a deep crevice on St. Croix (Valdivieso and Tamsitt, 1971). On St. Croix, Nellis and Ehle (1977) found that they generally roosted in large colonies in dark sites; however, a colony of 5,000 bats illuminated by direct sunlight was found in a large we11 (4 m in diameter and 5 0 m deep), another colony was in a sea cliff cleft with subdued lighting, and another small colony was hanging from the wooden beam ceiling of a dimly lighted ware-house.…”