“…Dipolarization fronts, DFs, are tangential discontinuities in the magnetotail, separating the plasma sheet and fast plasma flows, which can be created by various mechanisms such as magnetic reconnection [Sitnov et al, 2009;Fu et al, 2012c] and kinetic interchange instability [Pritchett and Coroniti, 2011]. DFs are identified by a sharp increase of B z GSM and are associated with electron and ion acceleration [Asano et al, 2010;Zhou et al, 2010;Fu et al, 2011] as well as various wave activities, e.g., electron holes, whistler, lower hybrid, and electron cyclotron waves [Le Contel et al, 2009;Sergeev et al, 2009;Zhou et al, 2009;Deng et al, 2010;Khotyaintsev et al, 2011;Hwang et al, 2011].…”