“…Numerous studies have used stable low-pressure mineral forms such as CaIrO 3 , MnGeO 3 , MgGeO 3 , CdGeO 3 , and CaRuO 3 and NaCoF 3 , NaMgF 3 , and NaNiF 3 as analogs for characterizing the postperovskite transition and deformational properties under relatively accessible (for both laboratory and computations) P-T conditions (e.g., Boffa Ballaran et al, 2007;Cheng et al, 2010Cheng et al, , 2011Dobson et al, 2011;Hirose et al, 2005bHirose et al, , 2010Hunt et al, 2009;Hustoft et al, 2008a,b;Kojitani et al, 2007a,b;Martin et al, 2006aMartin et al, ,b, 2007aMetsue et al, 2009;Miyagi et al, 2008;Miyajima et al, 2006Miyajima et al, , 2010Niwa et al, 2007Niwa et al, , 2011Niwa et al, , 2012Runge et al, 2006;Shim et al, 2007;Stolen and Tronnes, 2007;Tateno et al, 2006Tateno et al, , 2010Tsuchiya and Tsuchiya, 2007;Umemoto et al, 2006;Usui et al, 2010;Walte et al, 2007;Wu et al, 2011).…”