“…I norganic metal oxide nanoparticles have been developed as adsorbents due to their higher surface area to volume ratio and high selectivity (Singh et al, 2018), and are commonly used in the wastewater treatment to remove phosphorus (Zhang et al, 2013a(Zhang et al, , 2016Wang et al, 2015a), heavy metals (Pan et al, 2007;Zhang et al, 2009;Teng et al, 2015;Rachna and Rimmy, 2019), and other pollutants (Qiao et al, 2019;Gusain et al, 2019). To solve the application defects of powder (free) inorganic metal oxide nanoparticles, such as pore plugging, aggregation, pore collapse, difficult solid-liquid separation and so on, the immobilized nanooxide/hydroxide is then prepared and applied (Zhang et al, 2013b(Zhang et al, , 2015Wang et al, 2015b).…”