“…In crops whose development is not greatly affected by daylength, such as maize, crop coefficients that are based on temperature summation expressed as GDD have been shown to account for variation in plant development that arises as a result of differences in environmental conditions or planting dates (Amos et al, 1989;Sammis et al, 1985;Nielsen andHinkle, 1996, Stegman, 1988;Irmak, 2005). However, development in soybean cannot be adequately predicted by GDD alone because soybean growth and development are dominantly influenced by growing season temperature as well as by daylength (Johnson et al, 1960;Major et al, 1975aMajor et al, , 1975bCregan andHartwig, 1984, Hesketh et al, 1973). Temperature generally increases the rate of soybean development, while longer daylengths slow the development rate.…”