Electron capture dissociation at 86 K of the linear peptide Substance P produced just two backbone fragments, whereas at room temperature eight backbone fragments were formed. Similarly, with the cyclic peptide gramicidin S, just one backbone fragment was formed at 86 K but five at room temperature. The observation that some backbone scissions are active and others inactive, when all involve N™C ␣ cleavages and have a high rate constant, indicates that the more specific fragments at low temperatures reflects the reduced conformation heterogeneity at low temperatures. This is supported by reduced or inactive hydrogen loss, a channel that has previously been shown to be affected by conformation. The conclusion that the ECD fragments are a snapshot of the conformational (intramolecular solvation shell) heterogeneity helps explain how the relative intensities of ECD fragments can be different on different instrument and highlights the common theme in methodologies used to increase sequence coverage, namely an increase in the conformational heterogeneity of the precursor ion population. ( ploys reactions of multiprotonated peptides/ proteins with low energy electrons to generate peptide fragments. The high sequence coverage and the ability to retain labile groups after ECD have allowed posttranslational modifications (PTMs) and point mutations (PMs) in peptides and proteins to be both identified and localized. Such performance is of great value for the analysis of the proteome, particularly that of diseased organisms. PTMs and PMs are widespread and are frequently associated with disease [5][6][7], for example over 80 different point mutations have been found in transthyretin (most of which lead to autosomal disorders) [8].To be able to fully characterize such modified proteins, 100% sequence coverage is required (so-called top-down proteomics). Several methods have been developed to increase the sequence coverage of ECD, which can be grouped into either infrared illumination [9 -11] or collisional activation [12]. These methods increase the average internal energy of the ions, which also affects the conformation of these gas-phase ions [13].There is experimental and theoretical evidence that ECD is directed by the internal solvation of the (neutralized) proton [9, 14 -18]. If the reaction progresses faster than the electron-proton recombination energy is randomized and thermal fluctuations are small, specific fragments would be expected from a single (frozen) conformer, reflecting the solvation shell, specific for that conformation, surrounding the neutralized proton. Thermal fluctuations that result in a dynamic solvation shell, but not conformational change (local fluctuations rather than a global change), would produce a greater number of fragments. Finally, multiple conformations as well as thermal fluctuations would produce yet more fragments. Because the methods used to increase the sequence coverage of ECD all increase the internal energy of the ions, and so affect the conformation of the gas-phase ions, the...