“…While a number of independent reviews have concluded that there are no substantiated health effects associated with exposure to mobile phone RF-EMF (World Health Organisation, 2014, Health Canada, 2015, SCENIHR, 2009, Health Council of the Netherlands, 2009), there is evidence which indicates that exposure can influence the brain's electrical activity. Specifically, it has been consistently shown that pulse modulated RF (PM RF) affects spontaneous resting alpha (8)(9)(10)(11)(12) Hz) , Croft et al, 2010, Leung et al, 2011, Perentos et al, 2007, Regel et al, 2007a, Curcio et al, 2005 and sleep spindle activity (approximately 11-15 Hz) in nonrapid eye movement sleep (Huber et al, 2002, Regel et al, 2007b, Schmid et al, 2012, Loughran et al, 2005, Huber et al, 2000.…”