“…The evidence from this literature is mixed and conflicting. Some studies found that depreciation of real exchange rate has a significant improving effect on trade balance (Baharumshah, 2001;Bahmani-Oskooee, 2001;Boyd et al, 2001;Kale, 2001;Lal & Lowinger, 2002;Musila & Newark, 2003;Yol & Baharumshah, 2007;Igue & Ogunleye, 2014;Anning et al, 2015;Caporale et al, 2015;Ogbonna, 2016;Hunegnaw & Kim, 2017;Ousseini et al, 2017;Sokeng Dongfack & Ouyang, 2019;Yazgan & Ozturk, 2019;Keho, 2021a), while others reported that depreciation worsens trade balance (Onafowora, 2003;Adeniyi et al, 2011;Genemo, 2017). Still, others failed to establish any significant relationship between the two variables (Hatemi-J & Irandoust, 2015;Duasa, 2007;Loto, 2011;Akpansung & Babalola 2013;Shawa & Shen, 2013;Meniago & Eita, 2017;Kamugisha & Assoua, 2020).…”