We report the chemical vapor deposition growth of Nb-doped WS 2 monolayers and their characterization. Electron microscopy observations reveal that the Nb atom was substituted at the W site at a rate of approximately 0.5%. Unlike Mo doping, Nb-doped samples have photoluminescence (PL) peaks at 1.4-1.6 eV at room temperature. The peak energies are lower than the optical bandgap of 1.8 eV, and a saturation behavior of PL intensity is observed with the increase in excitation power. These results indicate that the observed PL peaks are assignable to the emission from impurity states generated by the substitution of Nb. © 2016 The Japan Society of Applied Physics T he optical properties of atomic-layer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have recently attracted much attention owing to their wide-range bandgap energies from visible to infrared, 1-3) unique phenomena related to spin-valley physics, 4,5) and single-photon emission. [6][7][8][9] In particular, defect-derived excitonic states have recently received much attention for their applications in single-photon emitters. To date, several groups have reported that atomic-layer TMDCs show photoluminescence (PL) from optically active defects at low temperature (4 ∼ 90 K). 6-11) Such a two-dimensional (2D) single-quantum emission has practical advantages in efficient photon extraction and high integration capability. However, the details of such defect sites are still unclear, and PL can generally be observed only at low temperature. These issues may be resolved by the controlled fabrication of defect states, which is an important challenge in understanding and using TMDC atomic layers as quantum light sources.In general, defect states in low-dimensional materials are created through several mechanisms, including atomic vacancy formation, 12) impurity doping, [13][14][15][16] and chemical functionalization. 17) In this study, we have investigated impuritydoped WS 2 monolayers as a model system. Monolayer WS 2 is a semiconductor with a relatively wide direct bandgap and high air stability, and there have been many reports on its growth process and characterization. 10,[18][19][20][21][22] To implant impurities in WS 2 , we employed halide-assisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD), which was recently developed by Li et al. 21) This method can produce large-area monolayer WS 2 at relatively low temperatures (700°C) and under atmospheric pressure. Importantly, the use of halides can effectively transport precursors of transition metals, which usually have very low vapor pressure. As an impurity, Mo atoms are well studied and cause bandgap narrowing through the substitution of W sites in monolayer WS 2 . 14,15,23,24) However, there are very few studies on the doping of other transition metals for monolayer TMDCs. In the present study, Nb is selected because its atomic size is comparable to that of Mo and it is reported to generate acceptor states for some TMDCs. 16,25) Here, we report the synthesis and characterization of monolayer impurity-doped WS 2 using halide-ass...