We study the physics of quark deconfinement on domain walls in four-dimensional supersymmetric SU (N ) Yang-Mills theory, compactified on a small circle with supersymmetric boundary conditions. We numerically examine the properties of BPS domain walls connecting vacua k units apart. We also determine their electric fluxes and use the results to show that Wilson loops of any nonzero N -ality exhibit perimeter law on all k-walls. Our results confirm and extend, to all N and k, the validity of the semiclassical picture of deconfinement of Anber, Sulejmanpasic and one of us (EP), arXiv:1501.06773, providing a microscopic explanation of mixed 0-form/1-form anomaly inflow. arXiv:1909.10979v3 [hep-th] 3 Dec 2019 7 Another property of Wilson loops on DWs with an R 3 worldvolume, i.e. in the R 4 theory, namely their nontrivial braiding (discussed e.g. in [38,46]), cannot be seen in the small-L setup of this paper, as the quarks' worldlines would have to cross.8 Stemming from the results of [19], as explained in EP's talk at Continuous Advances in QCD-2016, see https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/180346. 9 We have in mind objects composed of N heavy (of mass M Λ) quarks, approaching the static spectator limit (the color flux picture of Fig. 2a may be of relevance for excited dynamical baryons). ∆ vs. Y baryons in lattice QCD, also including light dynamical quarks, are discussed in [47]. 10 In historical order, see [1,2] and the instanton calculation of [3,4] (completed recently in [8,61]).