“…Many versions of the instrument are available including a clinical version (CAN-C), a research version (CAN-R), a short version (CANSAS), a version for use among older people (CANE) and among people with Developmental and Intellectual Disability (CANDID). Different aspects of these instruments have been evaluated in different populations (Andresen, Caputi & Oades, 2000; Kelly & Deane, 2011; McColl & Johnson, 2006; MacPherson, Gregory, Slade & Foy, 2007; MacPherson, Haynes, Summerfield, Foy & Slade, 2003; MacPherson, Varah, Summerfield, Foy & Slade, 2003; Salvi, Leese & Slade, 2005; Slade, Leese, Cahill, Thornicroft & Kuipers, 2005; Trauer, Tobias & Slade, 2008; van Vugt et al, 2011; van Vugt, Kroon, Delespaul & Mulder, 2012).…”