“…These studies allowed to detect in humans 27 mutations in the coding sequence of the Vkorc1 gene (Bodin, Horellou, Flaujac, Loriot, & Samama, 2005; Bodin, Perdu, Diry, Horellou, & Loriot, 2008; D'Andrea et al., 2005; Harrington, Siddiq, Allford, Shearer, & Mumford, 2011; Harrington et al., 2008; Loebstein et al., 2007; Osman, Enström, Arbring, Söderkvist, & Lindahl, 2006; Peoc'h, Pruvot, Gourmel, Dit Sollier, & Drouet, 2009; Rieder et al., 2005; Rishavy, Usubalieva, Hallgren, & Berkner, 2011; Rost et al., 2004; Schmeits et al., 2010; Watzka et al., 2011; Wilms, Touw, Conemans, Veldkamp, & Hermans, 2008). In rats, 15 missense mutations in the Vkorc1 gene of Rattus norvegicus have been described in Europe (Grandemange, Lasseur, Longin‐Sauvageon, Benoit, & Berny, 2010; Haniza et al., 2015; Pelz et al., 2005, 2012; Rost et al., 2004). The number of mutations reported in this gene is thus comparable between rats, mice, and humans.…”