“…While Shattell et al (2008) found that Latinas experience more depression than White or African American women, other researchers (Alegrı´a et al, 2008;Probst, Moore, & Baxley, 2005;Riolo, Nguyen, Greden, & King, 2005) found depression rates to be lower among Latinas. The "immigrant paradox" (Alegrı´a et al, 2008, p. 359;Leong et al, 2013) suggests that being an immigrant may serve as a protective factor against poor mental health despite immigrants being more likely to experience discrimination, needing to learn a new language, and being uninsured (Hall & Farkas, 2008), all of which place them at risk for depression (Riolo et al, 2005) and are barriers to accessing mental health services (Alegria et al, 2007;Lazear, Pires, Isaacs, Chaulk, & Huang, 2008). However, studies reveal that the longer the immigrants reside in the United States, the more their health deteriorates (Carter-Pokras et al, 2008).…”