“…There is a wealth of material which focuses incidentally on women, in the same way that studies of education, for instance, focus incidentally on children, or studies of Middle Eastern politics focus incidentally on men-they cannot be avoided. These include family planning and population studies (el-Badry, 1956;Bchir, 1969;Gadalla, F., 1970;Gadalla, S., 1970;Gulick, 1973Gulick, , 1975Hanna, 1970;Kisnisci, 1974;Magnarella, 1974;Moore, 1974;Nazer, 1972Nazer, , 1974Paydarfar, 1970;Rizk, 1959Rizk, , 1963Schultze, 1970;Seklani, 1969Seklani, , 1970Shanawany, 1967;Von Allman-Joray, 1971;Yaukey, 1961Yaukey, , 1963; village and community studies (Barclay, 1966;Fuller, 1961;Peristany, 1966;Sweet, 1960Sweet, , 1967Sweet, , 1968Sweet, , 1970bSimmons, 1974); and studies of family patterns (Arasteh, 1961;Bouhdiba, 1967;Camilleri, 1967;Daghestani, 1932;Farsoun, 1970Farsoun, , 1971Goode, 1963;Haddad, 1971;Harfouche, 1968;Lahlou, 1970;Magnarella, 1971;Nahas, 1954Nahas, , 1956…”