“…For example, when comparing the persistence of responding maintained by fixed-ratio (FR) and differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedules (Aló, Abreu-Rodrigues, Souza, & Cançado, 2015;Lattal, 1989) and by variableratio (VR) and VI schedules (Nevin, Grace, Holland, & McLean, 2001), greater resistance to change occurred in components in which baseline response rates were lower (i.e., DRL and VI schedules), despite similar reinforcement rates in each component. Differential resistance to change also has been reported when variation versus repetition contingencies are in effect in baseline (Abreu-Rodrigues, Hanna, Mello-Cruz, Matos, & Delabrida, 2004;Arantes, Berg, Le, & Grace, 2012;Doughty & Lattal, 2001) and when delays of reinforcement are used to manipulate responsereinforcer relations in baseline (Bell, 1999;Grace, Schwendiman, & Nevin, 1998;Podlesnik, Jimenez-Gomes, Ward, & Shahan, 2006).…”