“…Therefore, to date, the guinea pig ileum has been the standard in vitro bioassay for screening cannabinoids on the small intestine. The in vitro studies on this tissue have focussed on the ability of cannabinoids to inhibit either the peristaltic reflex in segments of whole ileum (Heinemann et al, 1999;Izzo et al, 2000), synaptic transmission (Lopez-Redondo et al, 1997), or the low frequency electrical field simulation (EFS)-evoked release of neurotransmitters (Coutts and Pertwee, 1997;Mang et al, 2001;Begg et al, 2002a,b) or subsequent contraction of the longitudinal Coutts and Pertwee, 1997;Mang et al, 2001) or circular (Izzo et al, 1998) smooth muscle layers.…”