“…They and other authors argue that the modelling of hydraulic habitat suitability index among with filter feeders, aquatic plants and vertebrates under different climatic stressors is found to be highly beneficial for sustainable water resources through selecting a better habitat and setting a relevant e-flow regime in the regulated river systems (Chattopadhyay et al, 2023;Harris et al, 2024;Havlíček et al, 2023;Mehmood et al, 2024). For instance, the habitat extent of larval and juvenile silvery minnow population in Rio Grande River (USA), in the special issue, has been successfully estimated using hydrology statistics, inundation extents based on hydraulic modelling and areal habitat availability based on a habitat suitability index curve, demonstrating a robustness in fish habitat management by validating the ecological model (Harris et al, 2024).…”