“…Through investigation of related works, we find that detection features mainly include: entropy [24]- [27], conditional entropy [28], Renyi entropy [29], ϕ-entropy of source ip (destination ip, protocol) [30], occurrence rate of TCP packet (UDP packet, ICMP packet) [25], percent of packets with the port number 80, variance of the numbers of packets to each destination ip, average of payloads, probability of occurrence of IP [31], mean time intervals (MTI), TTL, time stamp, ACK value, SYN value [32], variation index of source IPs [33], answer resource record, authority resource record, average packet size [34] and etc. Among the above 38 features, the most widely used features are the following 13 ones: entropy of source ip (H (Sip)), entropy of destination ip (H (Dip)), entropy of source port (H (Sport)), entropy of destination port (H (Dport)), conditional entropy of source ip given destination ip (H (Sip | Dip)), conditional entropy of source ip given destination port (H (Sip | Dport)), conditional entropy of destination port given destination ip (H (Dport | Dip)), One-Way Connection Density (OWCD), entropy of packet type (H (PacType)), occurrence rate of TCP packet (TCPRate), occurrence rate of UDP packet (UDPRate) and occurrence rate of ICMP packet (ICMPRate), time interval of packets (PckTimeInt).…”