“…The OB-type WECs exploit powerful wave regimes available in deep water and have smaller size, which have become popular and develop rapidly in recent years, such as PowerBuoy (Edwards and Mekhiche, 2013), Wavebob (Schlemmer et al, 2011), Archimedes Wave Swing (Valério et al, 2007), CETO (Caljouw et al, 2011), Oyster (Babarit et al, 2012;Fadaeenejad et al, 2014), Salter's Duck (Salter et al, 1976;Greenhow et al, 1982), and Pelamis (Czech and Bauer, 2012;Yemm et al, 2012). Laboratory experiments can provide convincing and useful data for designers and engineers (Choi et al, 2012;Lasa et al, 2012;Qu, 2015). Based on the validation of experimental data, the numerical model can realize the prediction from the incident wave energy to the output electric power directly.…”