“…Pieter Judson, Tara Zahra, James Bjork, Jeremy King and others point out that non‐elites often reacted with indifference or ambivalence to rhetoric and actions in favour of nationalism or nation formation (Van Ginderachter & Fox, 2019, p. 2). This kind of ‘indifference’ also has been referred to (often derogatorily) by other names, such as ‘regionalism, cosmopolitanism, Catholicism, socialism, localism, bilingualism, intermarriage, opportunism, immortality, backwardness, stubbornness, and false consciousness, to name a few’ (Zahra, 2010, p. 9; also Stourzh, 2011, p. 300). Most frequently, however, national indifference only has meaning within the nationalist framework and within the rhetoric of either ethnopolitical entrepreneurs or modern‐day historians.…”