“…For instance, Bhattacharya et al used DFT to calculate grain boundary structures for R3(111) and R11(332) GBs, 73 which are identical to those computed in the present work. Moreover, the relationship between the grain boundary energies and excess free volume for the R3(111) and R11(332) GBs also agrees with previous studies, 48,73,74 as well as with other studies that have found that the R3(112) GB has a much lower grain boundary energy and excess free volume in comparison to the R3(111) GB. 63,74 Additionally, the R5(310) and R9(114) GB structures also agree with previously calculated first principles TABLE I. Dimensions of the bicrystalline simulation cells used in this work along with the R value of the boundary, the grain boundary plane (normal to the y-direction), the misorientation angle h about the corresponding tilt axis (z-direction), the grain boundary energy, and the number of atoms.…”